
安妮·普里斯科博士.D. (中)与2023年泰勒奖获得者(图外:杰奈·格里格博士).D.)

Five 十大网络彩票平台大全 professors are recipients of the 2023 Ray and Mildred Taylor Awards to fund four important research initiatives.

该奖项是由卡罗尔·泰勒(Carol Taylor)创建的捐赠基金设立的.D., a former University faculty member who served from 1979-1987 and 1995-1997 in the School of Nursing & 健康科学. 泰勒和她的家人设立了这个奖项来纪念她的父母:雷和米尔德里德·泰勒. 卡罗尔被护理学院授予了荣誉 & 于2012年10月获得其最高奖项——杰出护理校友奖. 泰勒被大学授予人文学博士学位, 作为一种荣誉授予的, 在圣家族学院2022年毕业典礼上.

The Ray and Mildred Taylor Awards provide funding to faculty who have completed at least two years of full-time teaching at Holy Family. 以正式提案的形式向雷和米尔德里德·泰勒委员会提出请求, 优先考虑那些促进教师研究和奖学金的项目.


  • 绘制费城创业生态系统-唐纳德·戈尔茨,DPS(商学院) & 专业研究)
  • Criminal Justice Reform at the County-level: Process and Outcomes Findings of the Bucks County Human Services Co-Responder Program and Examining Reentry ‘Upstream’ Following the Nordic Penal Model - Patricia Griffin, Ph.D. 艺术学院 & 科学)
  • 高质量的调解咨询及其对高冲突离婚的影响[j].D. 艺术学院 & 科学)
  • Campus Greenhouse to Facilitate Environmental and Animal Welfare Research - Elizabeth Carroll, Ph.D. 爱德华·瓦德尔博士.D. 艺术学院 & 科学)


  •  Melissa Rampelli博士.D.艺术学院主席 & 科学); 
  • 贝丝·琼斯博士.D. (教育学院); 
  • 杰奎琳·迈尔斯博士.D. 艺术学院 & 科学); 
  • 卡尔·马拉斯奇克,J.D.,法学硕士(商学院 & 专业的研究); 
  • 米歇尔·墨菲-罗赞斯基博士.D., MSN, RN, CRNP(护理学院) & 健康科学).


根据宾夕法尼亚州劳工部的数据 & 工业聋人办公室 & 听力障碍,超过100万宾夕法尼亚州人有听力损失. Holy Family students have been developing new language skills to help communicate with that population in the American Sign Language I and American Sign Language II courses, 将于2022年秋季在艺术学院推出 & 科学. 这两门课程都由拉里萨·亚涅斯教授, 他毕业于新泽西学院并获得了教育学硕士学位, 聋人/重听人教育. 在她作为教育者的最初几年里,亚涅斯专门与聋哑儿童打交道. She later became ASL Teaching Certified and began teaching at 十大网络彩票平台大全 in Fall 2022. 

亚涅斯指出,学习美国手语可以立即产生实际应用. “学生们应该考虑学习美国手语课程的原因有很多,”亚涅斯说. 费城有大量的聋哑人, 所以遇到一个聋人也就不足为奇了. I’ve had students tell me while taking my course that they’ve encountered Deaf individuals at their jobs, 比如我的一个在Wawa工作的学生. 其他残疾人士也使用手语进行交流. 例如, 我的母亲, 谁是语言治疗师, 使用手语帮助与自闭症儿童交流. 这对于可访问性也很重要, 股本, 并提高人们对涉及聋人社区的各种问题的认识.” 

虽然美国手语在教育中被广泛使用,但亚涅兹指出,她在护理学院的学生 & 健康科学也发现学习美国手语可以提供一个重要的专业优势. “我喜欢我班上现在有这么多护理专业的学生. 许多人没有意识到对听力损失有不同的看法. 有一个医学模型说, “我们需要解决这个问题,帮助人工耳蜗植入者, 助听器, 以及其他设备和语言治疗. 然而, hearing loss is not looked at as a disability in many situations and instead is seen as more of a cultural difference. 社区中有一部分人并不觉得自己需要“修复”,医学专业人士可能无法理解这一点. Having that cultural perspective and understanding as well as interpreters within the medical setting is important and can help bridge barriers, 尤其是在医院压力很大的情况下.” 

Yanez also shares that many of her students have found that learning ASL is a useful life skill even outside of professional settings. “My students have said that outside of class when they see each other at a distance or through a window they’ve been able to communicate, 或者他们在音乐会或喧闹的聚会上使用美国手语进行远距离交流,她解释道. “Even the ASL that they learned in a short amount of time has been useful to them in situations that you might not think of. You don’t need to travel to use this particular language skill – you can use ASL in one setting or another every day.” 

小组.D. 项目举办第六届年度道德论坛 

十大网络彩票平台大全的鸟叔.D. program hosted its 6th Annual Ethics Forum with a program focus on Ethical Considerations for 媒体 and Professional Identity. 由鸟叔Diane Menago领衔.D., 项目和临床培训主任, this year's doctoral cohort presented the challenges facing mental health professionals with the misconceptions and ethically questionable information circulating about mental health. This yearly event allows our newest cohort of students to shine while sharing the latest research and scholarship on a topic of their choice regarding the field of ethics in psychology. 

Drs. 莱特, 阿格纽, and 沙利文 Present Strategic Planning Research at 2022 Online Learning Consortium Accelerate Conference

教育学院教授罗珊娜·赖特博士.D.; Maria 阿格纽, Ph.D.; and Claire 沙利文, Ph.D. 在奥兰多举行的2022年在线学习联盟加速会议上发表, FL, which presents the most innovative and impactful research and effective practices in the field of online, 混合, 数字化学习.

dr .的演讲. 阿格纽, 沙利文, 和赖特, “Implementing a HyFlex Course Delivery Format Through Collaborative Planning and Co-Teaching: Creating a Unique Capstone Senior Learning Experience,演示了HyFlex在线教育课程交付模式试点. 该试点项目采用三管齐下的合作课程规划模式, 协同IT规划, and collaborative instruction and takes a step toward making it a viable model that will benefit students. The information presented resulted in several requests for the School of Education faculty to share the University’s model with other institutions.  

“I have attended the OLC Accelerate conference since 2014 and have always been amazed at the energy of the participants and the quality of the presentations,”医生说。. 莱特主持了这次演讲. “从第一次会议开始, I have tried to bring this energy back to Holy Family through COBOL as we have grown our online course and program offerings. I was honored to join my colleagues in sharing our expertise at this year’s Accelerate conference and very proud that what we offered was so well received. Our model of the HyFlex format provides a unique learning experience for our students and a doable teaching experience for our faculty. 远不是在“追赶”,’ it is clear that online at Holy Family is based on a global understanding of the best practices and a commitment to quality in higher education.” 

Dr. 阿格纽 added that the conference offered the faculty the opportunity to meet with other educators at the conference. “我们不仅展示了该领域的最佳实践, but we also met people from all over the world who appreciate what we are doing and want to initiate professional collaborations with Holy Family.” 

“在这次会议上的演讲既得到了证实,又充满了活力。. 沙利文. “Validating to know that we are not only on but ahead of the curve in terms of the HyFlex delivery model and collaborative planning and teaching and energizing to realize that there is so much more to learn and include in our courses. It was wonderful to step away from campus with colleagues and just be immersed in the future of higher ed.”